Friday, February 3, 2012

December Catch Up!

December (and January for that matter) have flown by in a fog. We tried to keep everything as normal as we could for the kids while still dealing with our grief and emotions.

The boys had been asking for capes for quite awhile. They have figured out by now that if they want something made … to ask Grandma Cheryl. They did, and she did not disappoint. She even made one for the little miss.




Griffin had his school Christmas program. They work really hard for the month before Christmas learning new songs and memorizing their parts. Then they put on an adorable program for the residents at the local nursing home. I was so proud of Griff this year. He memorized his part all on his own and made sure to speak loudly, slowly and clearly so everyone could hear. He is getting to be such a big, handsome guy!



The kids kept themselves entertained on the cold yucky days playing together inside and being silly.



And helping Mom make cupcakes.





This is how I found Dax many days during the holidays. All curled up, blankie in mouth, watching a movie. (We are now limiting movies with much resistance!) He out of all the kids seems to be the most vocal about missing Grandma. I wish I could make it better for my little guy.
