Friday, April 3, 2009


Griff had his tonsils and adenoids out on Monday. We had to be there at 7:30 am, he went into surgery around 8:30 and was done by 9:00. Not bad, but its still so hard to send your little guy with the nurses and not be able to be in the room to comfort him. The doctor said he did great and was glad we took the adenoids out as well because they were HUGE! Coming out of anesthesia was sooo sad. The nurse called us back when he was alert enough to ask for us and I guess I wasn't really prepared for how upset he was going to be. He was thrashing around the bed, screaming and crying. It was so sad. I can't even imagine being a 2 year old and waking up from surgery to some strange nurses that are forcing an oxygen mask on his face and a popsicle in his mouth. Once I could hold him it didn't take long for him to calm down, although he wasn't happy about the IV, the oxygen mask, and especially the thing they put on toe to monitor his oxygen. He wanted that stupid thing off! We finally got to go home around noon and the first thing Griff asked for was chicken nuggets, fries, and a sprite! At this point his throat was pretty numb from the lidacane (sp??) and lower tab was also helping so he had no clue why he couldn't have it! He has done so good since we got home and has been eating Popsicle's, ice cream, cheese, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, and even ate spaghetti and green beans for dinner! Here are a few pictures of our little trooper!

Here he is in the cute little gown, ready to go

Waiting in the wagon for the nurse

On the ride home with his new bear from the nurses

This just about melted my heart! Griff had just been home a few minutes and was lying in my bed. Kasey came in with Dax and he immediately crawled over and onto griff and just layed his head on griffs chest. After a minute Griff wanted him off, so I moved him and Dax freaked out! He wanted his brother and knew he needed loves! He crawled right back over and this time stayed for a good 10 minutes! The whole time rubbing Griffs arm while griff rubbed Dax's head. This was seriously one of the sweetest moments as a mom to see my boys lovin each other and being so intuitive!Griff finally gave up and got some rest after a very long day!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh how heart wrenching! Poor little guy! Even as an adult I HATE having iv's and such in me! I want to rip them out too! Can't blame him. I LOVE that pic of your boys being such little friends. I love brothers!

Jon and Melissa said...

So sad! I got my tonsils out a year ago and it was hard-I can't imagine watching my little boy go through it. What a champ! Hope he recovers fast-good luck!

Jamie said...

That breaks my heart:( What a brave little trooper. Give him a big hug for me! I hope he feels lots better very soon! I hope I will see you this week! I will be calling you:)

mel said...

What a trooper. He sure looks so cute sitting in the wagon not having a clue what was about to happen. It is hard for mom to be helpless but that picture of him and Dax is priceless.

lauren said...

That pic of Dax and Griff is so cute! Hopefully Griff will feel better soon!

The Fluckiger Family said...

I so remember when Oak got his tonsils and adenoids's awful when they come out of the anesthia. Yuck. That picture of Dax and Griff is darling. Love those moments.

Hayley said...

I loved hearing about Dax and Griff loving eachother. It seems those moments are few and far between sometimes, but so priceless. I hope to get to see you this week!

Jessica Davis said...

Poor little guy. Getting your tonsils out can be rough. He looked so cute in his hospital bed. Dax was so sweet to give his brother loves, it melted my heart too. I love that darling picture of the two.

Michelle said...

Those pictures are so cute. Poor little Griff. It's amazing how tough little kids really are. Here's to a quick recovery.