Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tagged . . . about Kasey

1-What is his name: Kasey Kent Dahl
2- Where did you meet? Hmm . . . Logan's run . . . but I already knew his friends.
3- How long did you date before you were married? 3 years
4- How long have you been married for? 6 years this December
5- Who said I love you first? Kasey
6- When and where was your fist kiss? We can't remember. Sad. But I do know that I was 16 and crazy about him!
7- Who kissed who first? I'm sure it was mutual
8- Who proposed? Kasey
9-What's your favorite thing to do as a couple? I would say to go away anywhere for the night without the kids!
10-Do you have kids? Yes. How many? 3
11- What does he do that surprises you? He sends me cute text messages every now and then (remember we are not of the text message generation . . . so these surprise me :)
12- What's your favorite feature about him? Everything . . . he's one hot hubby! ( oh and I like his cute bum!)
13- What's your favorite quality about him? He is the hardest worker I have ever met. I love that!
14- Does he have a nickname for you? He calls me hun.
15- What's his favorite color? Blue
16- What's his favorite food? Salad of any kind
17-What is his favorite sport? He's not a big sports guy, but loves snowmobiling and 4 wheeling.
18- What's a hidden talent that he has? It would have to be his mad breakfast cooking skills!
19- How old is he? 27
20- What do you admire most about him? His kindness. He is always always putting me and the kids before himself and would do anything for us.
21-What's his favorite past time? He doesn't have much time for past times, but if he did it would probably be snowmobiling in the winter.
22- Who eats more? It depends on what we are eating
23- Who is taller? Him by about 3 inches.
24- Who sings better? Me, but not much
25- Who is smarter? Depends on the subject
26- Who does the laundry? both of us
27- Who pays the bills? Me
28- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
29- Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn yet, but he mows a nursing home once a week.
30- Who cooks dinner? I do. Remember HE is the breakfast man.
31- Who drives? Both . . . I secretly like to drive so that he can be the one to deal with the kids. he he
32- Who is more stubborn? Me
33- Who has more friends? I'd say it's pretty equal
34- Who has more siblings? I do ( I've got 3 and he has 1)
35- Who controls the T.V. remote? Usually me, but we like to watch the same shows so it really doesn't matter.
36- Whose temper is worse? Mine. He won't fight
37- Who does the dishes? Kasey at night, me during the day
38- Whose parents do you see more often? His. They live 2 doors down

I tag anyone who wants to share about their hubbies!


Laura said...

That is a super cute post and your house is stinkin cute and huge not to mention. I am super jealous right now:) I love how cute it is and your landscaping. Way to go!

Morrells said...

I think your little family is so cute! I really like your husband, he reminds me of mine. Snowmobiling, and my husbands not that into sports either! Yah for us!