Monday, September 29, 2008
2 weeks later . . . .
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 5:54 PM 7 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just a few pictures of my little guy at 5 months . . .
LOVE those toes!
Yes that is poop. Everywhere. Lucky me.
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 7:01 PM 7 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Owies & Sour faces!
This is the result of Mason being super excited to go to preschool! He was running to the door faster than his little legs could go and he fell and skinned his knee. Now he has skinned his knee before, but not quite this bad and he sure let me know how much it hurt! After about 45 minutes of crying, he decided it would be okay to head back to school (as long as I promised not to touch it of put a bandaid on it!)
We tried giving Dax cereal last night. I'm not so sure what he thought. He kept on opening his mouth for more, but making the most sour looking faces, and then spitting it back out. Maybe it was just hte texture, but my kids don't ever like the rice cereal much!
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 5:51 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tagged . . . about Kasey
1-What is his name: Kasey Kent Dahl
2- Where did you meet? Hmm . . . Logan's run . . . but I already knew his friends.
3- How long did you date before you were married? 3 years
4- How long have you been married for? 6 years this December
5- Who said I love you first? Kasey
6- When and where was your fist kiss? We can't remember. Sad. But I do know that I was 16 and crazy about him!
7- Who kissed who first? I'm sure it was mutual
8- Who proposed? Kasey
9-What's your favorite thing to do as a couple? I would say to go away anywhere for the night without the kids!
10-Do you have kids? Yes. How many? 3
11- What does he do that surprises you? He sends me cute text messages every now and then (remember we are not of the text message generation . . . so these surprise me :)
12- What's your favorite feature about him? Everything . . . he's one hot hubby! ( oh and I like his cute bum!)
13- What's your favorite quality about him? He is the hardest worker I have ever met. I love that!
14- Does he have a nickname for you? He calls me hun.
15- What's his favorite color? Blue
16- What's his favorite food? Salad of any kind
17-What is his favorite sport? He's not a big sports guy, but loves snowmobiling and 4 wheeling.
18- What's a hidden talent that he has? It would have to be his mad breakfast cooking skills!
19- How old is he? 27
20- What do you admire most about him? His kindness. He is always always putting me and the kids before himself and would do anything for us.
21-What's his favorite past time? He doesn't have much time for past times, but if he did it would probably be snowmobiling in the winter.
22- Who eats more? It depends on what we are eating
23- Who is taller? Him by about 3 inches.
24- Who sings better? Me, but not much
25- Who is smarter? Depends on the subject
26- Who does the laundry? both of us
27- Who pays the bills? Me
28- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
29- Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn yet, but he mows a nursing home once a week.
30- Who cooks dinner? I do. Remember HE is the breakfast man.
31- Who drives? Both . . . I secretly like to drive so that he can be the one to deal with the kids. he he
32- Who is more stubborn? Me
33- Who has more friends? I'd say it's pretty equal
34- Who has more siblings? I do ( I've got 3 and he has 1)
35- Who controls the T.V. remote? Usually me, but we like to watch the same shows so it really doesn't matter.
36- Whose temper is worse? Mine. He won't fight
37- Who does the dishes? Kasey at night, me during the day
38- Whose parents do you see more often? His. They live 2 doors down
I tag anyone who wants to share about their hubbies!
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 6:24 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
We finally seeded our yard this weekend! YEA! And when I say "we" I mean Kasey :) He has been working sooo hard this summer to get the yard ready for grass and that is not an easy task with a 2 year old and a 4 year old wanting to 'help' with everything! I think I'll take a picture about everyweek to document our grass progress! Yea for no more dust (as least not as much :)
Check out the awesome curbing that Kasey did! What a guy. . . he can do it all! But I will take credit for staining the curbing and laying the rock pathway! :) Next I'll stain the porch and walkway!
Just a shot of the back corner and the garden
Funcky shot of the side and part of the sidewalk that Kasey poured (I took it from the deck)
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 3:25 PM 4 comments
Sweet Sweet Boys
The boys love to all play together in Daxons crib. . .
Any time that Dax is on the floor and he rolls over, Mason and Griff automatically go over to him and give him some major praise! I found them all on their bellies together . . . so cute!
Again, must be wherever Dax is!
Grandma Jackie emailed me this cute picture of Mase and Griff with "funny hats" on their way out to pick veggies from her garden (one opf their favorite things to do with grandma!).
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
DiD i dO tHaT???
When I told Griff that he could color with markers as long as he didn't color on the couch or the walls . . . I guess I should have included his skin as well :) I went to put Dax down for a nap and not 2 minutes later Griff came wondering in with marker on just about every spot he could find on himself! I had to try hard not to laugh because he had such an innocent little look on his face . . . we're learning that he is quite a good actor!
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 10:45 AM 5 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Last night we decided to head up Ogden canyon for some hot dogs over the campfire and a little exploring. The boys were so excited. We haven't been camping since Mason was one or two. Sad. I know. But that is what happens when you are either pregnant or have a newborn every other summer since! Anyway we figured since summer is almost over we should at least take them up the canyon for the evening . . . and that we did! The excitement began on the drive up when we got into the canyon and Griffin was quite worried about the "dark". Mason being the good big brother that he is was reassuring little Griff that we were just in the shade and it wasn't dark. When we finally found our destination ( a little campground off the side of the road . . .) the boys were in heaven. They loved just being outside, having a fire, cooking our hot dogs, playing with sticks, throwing rocks in the river, and just being boys. Even though we were only there a few hours it was a lot of fun and we hope to make an overnight trip next summer!
Me and my boys
Dax was so good (as usual) I think he really liked being outdoors!
Building the fire
What would we do without daddy???
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 6:21 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Today was Mason's first day of preschool! He has been waiting for this day for quite some time and has been sooo excited! He will be going twice a week for 2 hours and has a few friends in his class. . . one is a cutie named Brinley who he told me today that he loved ;) The only downfall is that it is during his nap time . . . so he's a bit tired, but I think once he gets used to it he'll be fine. When I dropped him off he was running to the door with not so much as a BYE MOM! He has sure changed from my little guy that would never leave my side!
Here's my little dude all ready to go!
cheesin' it in the car
sitting on the steps (next to Brinley of course) waiting for the rest of his classmates!
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 3:50 PM 7 comments