Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"The Property"

Kasey's parents have some property in Wyoming in the Uinta Mountains that is just beautiful. It is the perfect kind of camping for us because you have your own space and can not see anyone else. They have about 4 acres that includes a small pond that has been created by run off. We try to make it up to the property at least once a year and plan on going a lot more when the kids get a little bigger (camping with babies and 2 year olds . . . so fun!)

This year the whole family went up! (Us, Kent & Jackie, Krista & Bobby, and then the next day Grandma Cheryl and Gpa Robert and Uncle Randy). The kids had a blast and loved being there with everyone!

Daxon decided early on that this was his chair and made sure to sit in it often. Griffin and Mason became quite the little pyros and loved gathering sticks and throwing them into the fire.

Grandma and Daxon are taking it all in!

Cheryl and Navi . . . I love their special little bond! Cheryl has captured the heart of all of my kids, but there is something different with little girls!

Of coarse we had to bring the 4 wheelers. What is camping without them? The boys fought over who got to go with Krista and Bobby . . . they ARE the favorites around here!

Daxon pretty much lived on the 4 wheeler with dad. He even fell asleep on a long ride!

Here we all are a few minutes after arriving. When I look at this picture I think . . . geesh we are a BIG family! I guess I just live day by day not really thinking about it and it takes a picture to put it into perspective!
We had so much fun on this trip. (although I am not gonna lie . . . the night was rough). I think that 3 is about the perfect age to start going. Griff and Mase did great. The little ones did pretty good but I think next time Kasey will just take the big boys!

Oh and we also discovered Navi's HATE for her car seat on this trip. I fed and changed her right before we left, and she screamed the entire way home. The whole 2 1/2 hours. It was rough! I just had to keep telling myself that it was all in the name of making memories :)


Adam and Aubrey said...

Aw dang. 2 1/2 hours of screaming. Not sure that I would have survived. It's a good thing she's cute! Everything looks so fun! And I can't believe how blond Daxon is! I want to go camping, but I agree, 3 and up!