First of all as you can see, my camera is working again :) Thanks Kasey!!!
We had the best day at the Gateway! We started out at the Discovery museum . . . which my kids absolutely loved! Mason had so much fun at the "grocery store" but would not "buy" any bananas because he said that they were not ripe enough . . . funny boy! Griff also liked the grocery store but his favorite was the baby doll! He could not get enough and didn't want to put it down. He would go back and forth between the stroller and the cradle and he really just loved this little baby! It was so cute! Needless to say it has been 2 days since we went . . . and he now has his own baby and stroller! Thanks to Grandma kim and an early birthday present ( and don't worry, daddy approved :) ) After the museum we headed over to Applebee's for lunch. I would say we did pretty good for having a table with 5 adults, 3 kids in booster seats and 2 babies. After lunch we went back to the museum for awhile and then it was over to the fountains to play in the water and have some ice cream! There was a lot more watching than playing going on at the fountains, but they still had fun!
Griffin was just lovin Maddie
SO CUTE! (Mason & Ty)
10 years ago
That was so fun! I had a good time! We need to do stuff like that more often! And I'm glad your camera is fixed! How you liking twilight?
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