Wednesday, October 12, 2011



Griff is in his last year of preschool and loving it. It was not an easy decision for me. He has an August birthday and could have gone to Kindergarten this year. I am not the type of mom to hold one of my kids back just so he is the biggest or for sports reasons. I really just want what’s best for my kids and I didn’t want Griff to struggle in school just because I was ready for him to be going everyday. He was definitely ready socially but I wasn’t sure academically. We went back and forth on the decision and finally decided the best thing for Griffin would be one more year of preschool. I was a little worried about him being bored doing the same things he did last year, but boy was I wrong. It is so interesting to see how much more he is retaining this year and how excited he is about everything he learns. I am so glad we made the decision to hold him back and think that he can only benefit from it during the rest of his schooling!



Little Miss had to get in on the action! She would copy everything Griff did. It was so cute!

