Thursday, June 2, 2011

Look who’s 7!


Mason turned seven on May 18. The thought of having a seven year old is making me feel OLD! He had such a fun day and was so excited that it fell on a school day. (Because he got to bring sugar cookies to class!) The morning started off pretty rough when I woke up to find that his cake that I had stayed up until 2 am the night before was broken in half. Yep that’s right. There was no repair possible. I thought to myself, there is no way in hell that I will be able to make him a birthday breakfast, repair remake his cake and get the house cleaned and decorated for a party while also taking care of the three little kids. I really wanted to cry. But Mason beat me to it and it broke my heart, so I had to hold it together and told him I would do the best I could to make it a perfect day. So I made him his birthday breakfast (rollers) and brought him to school. He was so cute when I dropped him off. He told me “Mom it’s ok of you don’t have time to make another cake, we can eat the left over cookies.” I knew he was just trying to make me feel better. Long story short, it was a crazy hectic day but I got it done and he was SOOO excited!

As soon as Mase got home from school we headed over to the fun center for some bouncing, glo in the dark golfing, and bowling.



The crew : Griffin, Madden, Bosten, Mason, and Daxon


After the fun center we headed home for cake and ice cream. When we opened the garage door Mason spotted his 4 wheeler and about flew out of his seat. He was so excited and you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face!


He of coarse had to take it out for a joyride an didn’t even mind getting soaked in the process!


Once we got him inside it was time for cake and ice cream and a few presents. Oh and don’t forget Chinese for dinner. This is currently his favorite!



The boys loved wearing their pirate attire complete with bandanas, eye patches, swords, and even a few tattoos!


Mason got spoiled as usual. He had such a great day and I was just happy to make him happy! I love my little guy and can hardly believe that my first born is seven! He is the most loving, affectionate, smart little boy! He loves school (and is in fact sad that it will soon be over), soccer, baseball, riding his 4 wheeler, star wars, the Wii and playing with his friends. 



Adam and Aubrey said...

What a fun birthday! I can't believe you have a 7 year old!! How are we that old?! He's such a sweet boy, to say you guys could eat the left over cookies. What a good kid. And the cake looks awesome! I can't believe you just whipped that baby up!

T-Guns said...

A four-wheeler! I can't even imagine the look on Oak's face if we were to get him that! What a fun 7th birthday! That must mean I about need to think about the 7th birthday I have coming up...good I have you to give me a heads up with each kid :) You must be a miracle worker! The cake looked awesome.

T-Guns said...

By the way, this is Lorinda! For some reason, it has me signed in under Trav's account. No stalker here ;)

anna said...

he is so cute, and so big! I can't believe he is 7 either, crazy! You are seriously super mom. You are amazing that you have it in you to make a yummy breakfast, get him to school, raise 3 other kids, fix the cake, set up the house, go to a play place, have dinner ordered, and balloons on a SWEET other presents!! Geez, what a lucky kid to have you as a momma! i want to be like you!