Thursday, May 19, 2011


We have had a few milestones at our house over the last few weeks.

Milestone #1

Mason has had a wiggly bottom tooth for probably six months. It started out just the tiniest bit wiggly and over time got more and more until finally he couldn’t stand it another minute. First he asked me to pull it out. I didn’t realize until he asked me how grossed out I get by loose teeth. And really it’s the pulling the tooth out that I couldn’t handle. So I said no. He then proceeded to ask Grandma Jackie, and she also said no. Finally when Kasey got home he was the brave one and pulled it right out. Mason was SOOO excited to loose his first tooth! He made sure to put it in a plastic baggie and under his pillow for the tooth fairy (who by the way came through with two dollars)!


Milestone #2

Navi has pigtails!!! It’s so cute when I do her hair. She just sits up on my bathroom counter and plays with whatever she can get her little hands on, but doesn’t mind me combing, curling, and tugging. I figure the more we do it the more she will be used to it!


Milestone #3

Daxon is now officially in a big boy bed! He really could have stayed in his crib. He never climbed out or gave us any problems. In fact he loved his crib. He would go to bed around 9:30 and sleep in until at least 10:00 am, sometimes 11:00. It was wonderful. Which is why I was reluctant to change him to a big boy bed. But it was time. He loved his crib so much that it was very very hard for him to sleep anywhere else. And not to mention he was just plain growing out of it. Once we made the change he did great! We had a couple of days getting used to the adjustment and he would come out of his room 5 or 6 times before falling asleep. He has now been in his bed for a few weeks and does fabulous!



anna said...

cutest kids ever! You need a Griff milestone now!

Hayley said...

Cutest piggys ever!

The Fluckiger Family said...

Oh I know what you mean about being grossed out by loose teeth! Oak wanted me to pull one for him the other night and I just couldn't do it--it was making me sweat! I love those cute piggy's! So exciting! And I am totally jealous that little Daxton is in a big boy bed! We haven't made the switch with May yet, probably because I am dreading the few bad nights :/