Wednesday, March 3, 2010


She's here at last! Navi Lynn was born on February 25 at 3:00 pm. She weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces (beating out all the brothers) and was 20 inches long. It seems crazy that just a week ago she was still in my stomach! In fact, the entire pregnancy seems crazy! From getting pregnant with an IUD to having a c section scheduled because she was breech to her turning the day before the c section and finally coming a week later! I am so glad to finally have her here! She is so sweet and so far has been super easy. Although I am super tired I can't complain to much because she goes 4-5 hours between her nighttime feedings! It is wonderful! The boys absolutely adore her and are always wanting to hold her. They are especially fascinated by her tiny little fingers. They make sure to always get her a binkie when she's crying (or Daxon will just come up to me and pull down my shirt . . . like come on mom . . . feed her :)

Here we are . . . all 6 of us! I never imagined we would be a family of six, but now that we are it's hard to imagine it any other way! Don't get me wrong . . . it's CRAZY busy and I am a little nervous about my mom leaving today, but they are mine and I wouldn't have it any other way!


Adam and Aubrey said...

YAY! Congrats! You guys are a huge beautiful family! I love her! I can't wait for more pictures! But get some sleep! YAY! I'm happy to see she's here safe and you are well!

Bre said...

SHe is so so beautiful! Congrats Kris! Your family is perfect! I am so happy for you guys! I cant wait to meet her!

The Fluckiger Family said...

She is so perfect Kris! I am so excited and happy for your little family and can't wait to see her in pictures! Take notes on how to do it with 4, 'cause I'll need the advice :)

The McClellan Clan said...

She is going to be one spoiled girl!!! OH I"m so happy for you! Thats so awesome. I'm glad she's so easy for you with having a full (yet awesome) house you will need the easy! Girls are so fun though!! LIve it up girl!

Jamie said...

The picture of your boys all huddled around her makes me teary eyed! You can see that they adore her already! I am so SO happy for you, and I am so glad that she has been so good for you so far! What a little angel. And she is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her again! I hope you can maybe find some time to get some rest:0 (haha) Love you!;)

Alisha LeBaron said...

Oh my goodness, she is precious! I am so glad she is here! Congratulations! I love the picture of your boys all gathered around their new sister. So sweet!

The Bucks said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! I bet it's hard to switch from boy to girl gear after all those boys.

Michelle said...

Kristin, looks perfect. I love the family picure with all SIX of you. As soon as I can get my family healthy I'll have to come over. Congrats. Hope your getting some rest. :)

mel said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful! What a lucky girl to have 3 big brothers to look out for her. You're going to be an amazing mom to 4 super cute kids! I have a good feeling about this.