Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yesterday we headed to the zoo for Griffin's third birthday. The boys had been looking forward to going for a good week and as luck would have it, they both woke up that morning with a terrible cough. We decided to go anyway and figured fresh air would be good for them. They did pretty good until today Griff started wheezing and being really lethargic. So after a trip to the doctor, a chest xray, an albuterol treatment, and a heavy dose of steroids, we found out that he has asthma. Not a huge surprise since Kasey has it, but still not a fun thing to have! And especially on his birthday!

Heading into the zoo
They thought this lion fountain was sooo cool!

The favorite train ride
Then later that night we did presents and cake and ice cream. We had a firetruck themed party and it was a hit!

Here he is with all his loot . . . way too much like usual!

Riding the new wiggle toy (I don't know what they are really called, but Griff loves it!)
And of coarse, blowing out the candles . . . which he insisted on doing 3 times (he loves having everyone sing to him!)

All in all it was a great day (despite being sick) and Griff got absolutely spoiled, which is whats supposed to happen on your birthday! We love you Griff and all the smiles and spunk you bring along with you!


The Fluckiger Family said...

So sorry about the asthma on the birthday! It sounds like the rest of the day was lots of fun! We love the zoo! Darling cake, btw, you do an amazing job!

mel said...

Did you find your camera? Looks like another fun day at the Dahl house. Did you make that cake. Because if you did you are awesome.

Bre said...

Love the cake, your boys are super cute! My boys love the wiggle cars, my mom has them. I just got some for x-mas, yes xmas already! I am excited already to give them to them:) Miss you!

Jamie said...

Poor little Griff! I love all the pictures! The zoo and party part of the day looked like a blast! Darling cake! You are so good! It was so fun seeing you the other night, let's try to get together this week sometime!:)