So I see that a few of you have noticed the newest addition to my sidebar . . . if you haven't check it out.
Yes. I know you are in shock because I was too. We. Are. Having. ANOTHER. Baby. If you can't believe it, neither could I (although I DO get it now . . . I am getting huge :)
You see, Kasey and I were planning on a family of four. Not four kids! Dax was a surprise (I was on the pill) and this little one was a SHOCK! I had an IUD. How could I be pregnant? How did I know? It was just a feeling, I guess by the fourth one you can just tell! I had been expecting my period for about 3 weeks but didn't think much of it because 1- I had just stopped nursing Dax and wasn't back to being "regular" and 2- I had an IUD and was told by my doctor that most women had no or very light periods after a year with this IUD. So, on the fourth of July weekend I was feeling different. Maybe onry. Maybe just sorta lost. Anyway, Kasey noticed and asked what was wrong. I said jokingly " I don't know, maybe I'm pregnant." We decided just to take a test to ease my mind, and boy was I surprised, scared, nervous, excited. I think I had every emotion possible. It was a very faint positive result. So faint that I immediately drove to Walgreen's and picked up another test, just to be safe. Of course this was also positive. We were in shock and really disbelief for awhile. I just kept thinking "How in the world am I going to take care of 4 kids all 5 and under???" It will be hard, but I have to do it and so I will.
Now that the whole idea of being pregnant settled in, the worries started about the IUD that was still there. I went to my Dr. a few days later. The options were 1- take out the IUD and have 25% chance of miscarriage. 2- Leave it in and have 50% chance of miscarriage. So of course I wanted the better odds and wanted the IUD out. One problem, he couldn't find it. It was probably somewhere in my uterus. He did an ultrasound and thought he might be able to see it but wasn't sure. So what next? I come back in three weeks and in the mean time worry daily about weather I would be keeping this baby or not. It was such a weird feeling because to be honest, I didn't want another baby. But there was an even bigger part of me that didn't want to miscarry, which would mean that I did want the baby. Just to be clear I DO want this little baby and feel like we will be blessed to have a new baby in the family (the idea just took a bit to get used to :) During the three weeks of wondering and waiting I decided it would be a good idea to get a second opinion. This was hard for me because I really love my doctor and almost felt like a traitor going to someone else. But I did go to another Dr. and am so glad that I did. He put my mind at ease. He did an ultrasound with a very high tech machine that he was sure he would be able to see the IUD with. He couldn't see it. Anywhere. He said it has either fallen out (which he thought possible but unlikely) or penetrated through my uterus and is hanging out somewhere else in my body. If this is what happened, it won't harm me or cause any problems. After i have the baby I will have to get a cat scan to see if the IUD is somewhere inside me, but until then my mind is at ease. Since there is no IUD in my cervix or uterus, there is no risk to the baby or the pregnancy. He said it should be just like all my other pregnancies. What an emotional rollercoaster I have been on over the last few months!
So long story short, we are having another baby and welcoming it with open arms!
Oh, and btw we won't find out until the end of October . . . I'll keep you posted!
10 years ago
Wow! That is wild, but you are such a good mom, I know you can do it. There must really be a reason that this one is coming now...can't really argue with that :) Congrats!
that is incredible!! this baby must have wanted to come now :)
You guys make some darling kids--
oh man. birth control. UGH! so were you on the mirena?! I can't believe that it got lost and that you got pregnant. Yoink. How crazy. Seriously. Majorly crazy pregnancy story. like you need craziness with the hormones. i hope you've been feeling okay, what's your due date? March? That's a good month. Keep me updated! Can't wait for October!
Oh you made me cry a little bit in that story of yours!:) I am soooo VERY HAPPY for you and this wonderful little surprise baby! It's because you are an amazing mommy and you and Kasey just have adorable children, this is why you deserve another!!;) I hope you're feeling good and getting a litle rest(?) ya right hu:)
We went to the dino park last week! Too bad it wasn't the same day, that would have rocked!!
Um what? I am so excited for you! And so shocked for you. You are such a terriffic mom, and this is one lucky baby.
Oh my goodness! Congratulations that is so exciting! I can't wait till you find out what you are having! Again Congrats!
What an amazing story and this baby is so lucky to come to such a wonderful family! The IUD thing does scare me a bit and gives me second thoughts about keeping mine in to be honest. anyway, Congrats again, I really am so so happy for you and it truly is meant to be!
That is the craziest thing I have ever heard. I'm so glad there isn't any risk for you or your baby to have it "floating" around in your body for 9 months. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Pregnancy is so . . . . . . REAL. Best of luck with #4 and CONGRATULATIONS!
oh ya, I can't remember who said it, but someone during a general conference said concerning mothers with little children that "your hands are full now, but your hearts will be full later" That's what I have to tell myself all the time, and I only have two, so look forward to having a very very full heart once your hands aren't so full. :)
If you weren't such an awesome mom maybe this type of thing wouldn't happen to you! I have no doubt you will do great with four! If I can anyone can! Congrats!
Congratulations! I'm jealous, I think it would be great to have a surprise baby. I hope everything goes okay with the IUD and the pregnancy.
Holy cow!!!! I was SO suprised!!! But I think it will be fun for them to be all so close and also that you are still young and will be done having kids. Sounds like you're just supposed to have a egg carton full of kids!! lucky you!!! Good luck girl! i hope everything goes well!!
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