Friday, November 14, 2008

PotTy TiME

Today Griff went pee in the potty. WOW! He had taken off his diaper himself ( a first for him) and so I let him run around naked for awhile. Then I asked if he wanted to pee in the potty, and after about 3 tries, he went! Now mind you it was just a little bit . . . but still, he went!

So off to Wal-mart we went for his prize ( a new toy of his choice that happened to be a little race track . . . I think big brother had a little to do with that :) and some pull ups.

He hasn't gone in the potty since, but hey . . . he went! And at 27 months I think that's just GREAT!


mel said...

I am with you. He tried, SUPER!

Hayley said...

I Love potty trained kiddos!

Thanks for Bunco the other night. Your food was delish, and the prizes were great! They look fab in my house! Thanks!

The McClellan Clan said...

Awesome!!! Let me know how that goes. I'm so frustrated with emmerson right now!! But oh well!! seriously let me know what you do!! Good luck. Thats great for his age. all the boys I know didn't potty train till almost 3

The Fluckiger Family said...

Yaaayyy! I am sure jealous. Be sure to let me in on your secret!

Baumgartners said...

Nice! Hopefully he keeps it up. But even if he doesn't, at least his first experience was a positive one. Good job.

Jamie said...

YAY! I think that is very exciting! Don't worry, Hunt & Hade just about have it down- they are only ALMOST 3 1/2;) Way to make me look good...jk

Jas & Cam Fam said...

That is soooo exciting! For any mom that has gone through the potty training we understand that a little is still something! Congrats!
I know I asked you this before but where were the pictures of your kids taken (the ones in front of the brick)?