Monday, October 13, 2008

TAGGED . . .

I have been tagged by a couple people so I figured I better go ahead and bore everyone with my quirks!

Rules: list 6 quirks and then tag 6 people . . .

Quirk #1: I love having everything clean and orderly around the house, but hate doing it!

Quirk #2: I can not finish the last bite of a sandwich. I don't know why but it always ends up staring at me from my plate and I feel like I should eat it, but just can't.

Quirk # 3: I don't like to get ready. You know the whole blow dry & style, then put on the makeup . . . but I always feel so crappy when I don't.

Quirk # 4: I need sleep! You would think after 3 kids I would be getting better with this one, but no. I could go sleep for 12 hours and still be tired :)

Quirk # 5: When I am watching TV or a movie or reading a book, I must be wrapped up in a blanket. It doesn't matter if it's 90 degrees outside, I'm not comfy without a blanket.

Quirk # 6: I can follow directions . . . but I really hate being told what to do. It seems like if someone tells me what to do, then I will do the opposite just to do it my own way.

Now that everyone has found out a few of my quirks, I tag Julie, Lauren, Anna, Alisha, Emma, & Lorinda (I know this tag has been going around for awhile so if you've already done it, or just hate tags, then just ignore!)


Morrells said...

I love having a clean house and I do really hate doing it!!! I hate when I just spent hours cleaning it and it looks trashed in ten min. flat! Owell someday I will get used to it! You're a doll! I enjoyed your tag!

Hayley said...

Oh dear, I could sleep all day'd think I'd get used to getting up early and starting my day off right, but I just feel like I need another hour!

Let me know if there is anything you need help with for Bunco next month. I am more than happy to help...

Jessica Davis said...

I have to say that several of your quirks are mine too! Cute pics of the kids and the pumpkins. I love this time of year! Can't wait to see your boys dressed up in their Halloween costumes!

Michelle said...

Needing sleep is not a quirk. Man, what is this world coming to.

Bre said...

SUch fun quirks! I love to learn knew crazy things of people!