The group shot . . . sorry it's kinda fuzzy!
It's a perfect fit!
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 2:31 PM 5 comments
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 9:26 PM 3 comments
I have been tagged by a couple people so I figured I better go ahead and bore everyone with my quirks!
Rules: list 6 quirks and then tag 6 people . . .
Quirk #1: I love having everything clean and orderly around the house, but hate doing it!
Quirk #2: I can not finish the last bite of a sandwich. I don't know why but it always ends up staring at me from my plate and I feel like I should eat it, but just can't.
Quirk # 3: I don't like to get ready. You know the whole blow dry & style, then put on the makeup . . . but I always feel so crappy when I don't.
Quirk # 4: I need sleep! You would think after 3 kids I would be getting better with this one, but no. I could go sleep for 12 hours and still be tired :)
Quirk # 5: When I am watching TV or a movie or reading a book, I must be wrapped up in a blanket. It doesn't matter if it's 90 degrees outside, I'm not comfy without a blanket.
Quirk # 6: I can follow directions . . . but I really hate being told what to do. It seems like if someone tells me what to do, then I will do the opposite just to do it my own way.
Now that everyone has found out a few of my quirks, I tag Julie, Lauren, Anna, Alisha, Emma, & Lorinda (I know this tag has been going around for awhile so if you've already done it, or just hate tags, then just ignore!)
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 2:17 PM 5 comments
The boys love love love helping in the garden, so when it came time to pick the pumpkins they were so excited!
We filled the wagon up and are still waiting for a few more of the BIG ones to turn orange (we are hoping before Halloween!) . . . and Griff thought he was so funny hiding behind the wagon every time I tried to take a picture:)
Posted by Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane at 10:08 PM 3 comments