Thursday, July 17, 2008

SpaRklE PaiNt and SLIME

I ran across an old friends blog the other day and she has the cutest ideas of fun thing to do with your kids . . . so we decided to try a couple of them this week! First it was sparkle paint! The boys had a lot of fun making this and then painting with it. It was kinda funny to see their different painting styles! Mason was very careful and made sure that his colors did not mix together. Griffin went wild and crazy and was splattering paint everywhere! That is for sure their personalities in their paintings!

The next day we made SLIME!!! Now Mason really liked this, but Griff was a bit more timid! It was actually pretty funny because once Griff's liquid turned into the slime . . . he got quite nervous and did not know what to think. He just kept saying "house" over and over because he wanted to go inside away from the slime! But once he saw that Mase was having fun with it he loosened up (kind of) and played with it.

Later that night we got the slime back out and Griff decided to put it om his head. Funny thing. Slime does not stick to hands or counter top, but DOES stick to hair. It was a bit like having gum in the hair! FUN!


Jessica Davis said...

So much fun! Your boys look so cute painting and playing with slime. Slime is as hard to get out of hair as bubble gum?! I feel so sorry for you. I've had to work gum out of a little girls long hair with peanut butter, definitly not fun for me or her! I love the little blessing outfit, he looks so adorable!

Jon and Melissa said...

Hey long time no see! I can't believe you have three boys! Time flies doesn't it? I am glad that you tried some of the ideas. A bit messy I know. That is too bad about the hair, I should have put a warning or something! The gum at my party was sick! but funny of course!

Baumgartners said...

Hey, send me your recipes for the sparkely paint and slime! I need some ideas for things to do with Ty.