so cute! i love her painted toenails, the adorable cupcake, and my favorite one is the first of the balloon ones, where she is looking up at them, so ADORABLE!
I am a stay at home mom of four and married to a great guy who makes it possible! Life is busy,crazy, and passing by much to quickly! I love to decorate, shop, and mostly just be with my family! My hope is to document our everyday life and be able to keep everyone up on all we do!
*The other day Mason had an itch on the back of his knee and he said "my LEG-PIT itches"
*Basagna = Lasagna
*Hot Mustard = Blockbuster
*Mason went to the doctor for his allergies where he informed the doc "the WHEATS beenKILLIN my eyes!"
*Magoon = Lagoon
*Bikini = Zuchini
* 08/29 - While filling out a questionaire with Mason for his preschool class I asked him what his favorite food was. He pondered for a minute and then replied "junk"! (Any sort of sugary treat is known as junk at our house)
*Feb 14/09 - From the moment Mason wakes up he is asking "mom, can I play with Garrett?" This is his best buddy next door and I think he dreams about the kid :)
* When Mason's clothes are inside out and he wants them fixed he'll say "mom, will you make my shirt outside out?"
*October - The other day I got a phone call from the school saying Mason is sick and to come pick him up. On the ride home I discovered that he was HUNGRY, not sick and wanted to come home and eat!
*Griffs favorite way to get what he wants after being told NO is to very loudly yell . . . " I W-A-N-T TO" over and over again. Just the way he says it makes me laugh!
*Hamma = Grandma
*I went in to get Griff up from his nap and was wearing a yellow shirt. He looked at me and exclaimed"BUS!!!" (He associates anything yellow with a bus . . . )
* August 11 - Griffin had his 2 year checkup. He weighed 27 pounds 14 ounces (60%) and was 35 inches tall (25%)
*Lately whenever Kasey or I does something that makes Griffin happy he says "I wuv you sooo much!" It just melts my heart!
*"I do it MYSELF" is the latest saying of Griffins. He is becoming quite independent these days!
*Jan 6 - Griff is walking around the house with his flip flops on saying, "I got my sip sops on . . . my feet are cold!"
*Feb 14 - Griffs latest sayings are "no way jose" which he often times says over and over while laying in his crib. The other one is "yes -siree bob"
*April 26 - While pretending to be my doctor today griff said "mom, I am the fixer guy and I'm gonna check your heart beep!"
*September - The other day Griff came up to me and said "mom, my feet are dizzy." This is what he tells me anytime they fall asleep!
*June 23 - Daxon had his 2 month checkup. He weighed 13 pounds 1 ounce (80%) and was 23 inches long (50%). He isnow sleeping through the night! He goes to bed at 11:00 and sleeps until 6:00. Then he eats and goes back to sleep until 10:30! YEA!
*July 13 Dax had his blessing. He was blessed by his grandpa Norm and made it through without crying!
* July 27 - Dax moved into his own room and into his "big crib!"
*July 29 - Dax discovered that he can grab things . . . he was sitting in his bouncy seat with his toy bar over him, when I heard the music go off about 3 times in a row. He had figured out how to pull on the toy and make it play music!
*August 22 - Dax is 4 months! He went to his 4 month checkup and looks great! He weighed 16 pounds (75%), and was 26 inches long (85%) . . . the doc estimated him to end up around 6'4 or6'5!
*August 28 - Dax rolled over ! I was so surprised and excited that I thought it just might of been on accident . . . but it wasn't. He has been doing it ever since!
*October 1 - Daxon now has his first 2 teeth . . . and he bites! We might have to start trying a bottle :)
*November 14 - Dax has pretty much mastered sitting up. He still topples over every now and then, but it doesn't seem to bother him!
*Daxon started waving bye bye at 7 1/2 months . . . such a smartie!
*Feb 14 -Dax can now get from laying down to sitting up . . . so usually he will sit right up when I put him in his crib for a nap, and when I go in to check on him, he has fallen asleep folded over in half! He can also do a mad army crawl and is getting into EVERYTHING!
*April 24 - Dax had his 1 year checkup today. He weighs 20 lbs. 6 oz (15%), is 40% for heigth, and has a huge head (90%). He is now pulling up on things and I often find him standing up in his crib when I get him from his naps!
*May 10 - I woke up this morning (mothers day) to hearing Dax say "mama . . . mama" over the moniter. I would say It was the perfect mothers day present!
*May 11 - Dax got tubes. Pretty easy (although so sad coming out of anesthesia) and yea for no more ear infections!
*May 30 - Dax said his first word (other than mama and dada) He has been waving bye bye for awhile, but today while waving he said bu ba. He now says it all the time and is so proud of himself!
*July 28 - Dax had his 15 month check up today. He weighed 22 pounds 13 ounces (25%) and was 60% in lenghth. He still has a big head at 95%! He is starting to take a few steps, but wants no help and will just sit down when we try to get him to do it!
*August - Dax finally decided to walk at almost 16 months. He went from crawling to basically running like a drunk all around the house.
*October 21 - Dax will be 18 months tomorrow and is seeming less and less like a baby every day. He says a few words now including Dada, Ma, cracker, all gone, grandpa and dog.
Oh Kris! She is soo darling! I just want to chew on her! I ADORE her little rolls :)
Oh I'm in love too. She's just so yummy.
Those turned out so cute! I love them!
so cute! i love her painted toenails, the adorable cupcake, and my favorite one is the first of the balloon ones, where she is looking up at them, so ADORABLE!
OH Kris! That baby is ADORABLE! I can't believe she's one. I really can't! Those are the cutest pictures ever!!!
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