Friday, February 11, 2011

Playing Catch Up ... Part 2

For some reason my pictures won't turn ...grrr. And they are in backwards order so feel free to avoid this annoying post!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! It seems to get better and better every year as we get into our own family traditions. (Not to mention the fact that I got to buy PINK this year. So fun!)

Christmas Eve was spent at my parents house. It was so nice to spend some time with the entire family. We stuffed ourselves as usual and had a great time enjoying one anothers company, exchanging gifts, watching the kiddos do the Nativity, and doing some crafts with the kids. We also found out that night that my brother and sil are expecting their first baby. It was the highlight of the night! So exciting!!!

After all of the festivities we headed home to put out some cookies and milk for Santa and a few carrots for the reindeer. The kids headed for bed and we prepared for the big morning ahead!

Mason was the first to wake up Christmas Morning. It was EARLY and we knew if we let him wake the rest of the kids up at that hour we would be in for a REALLY REALLY long day. So we were mean and made him wait. He did surprisingly well. He crawled into bed with us until about 7:30 when we finally let him wake Griff up.

The kids were SPOILED for lack of a better word and had a great day! It was so nice to spend the morning playing with the kids and all of their new goods. Then we went to Kasey's Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Roberts house for a wonderful Christmas dinner and a little Just Dance on the Wii.

Christmas Eve in matching PJ's!

Navi's first baby doll ... she was so cute touching her fingers and toes!

Dax wanted nothing more than to lay on the couch and watch Land Before Time all night!

Grandpa Norm and his famous turkey.