Sunday, February 27, 2011


Here's Navi's one year pictures. They were taken by the very talented Brittany Hall.

I. Am. In. Love.

And a birthday post to come soon!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The BIG 30!!!

Kasey turned the big 30 on January 29th. I had been planning a surprise party for him for quite a few months and was actually able to pull it off! Pulling off a surprise like this when you have four little ones to consider and a hubby that you tell everything to is NOT easy ... so much harder than I thought it would be!

The surprise started on Friday night. My parents took the kids for the weekend so while Kasey was at work I packed up their stuff, loaded everyone in the car and headed to the meeting spot that we had planned on. While we were driving Kasey called to let me know when he would be home and said "are you in the car?" I have no idea how he could tell, but I told him we were and would be back soon. When I got back he was home from work and he was shocked to find out that I was back ALONE and the kids would be gone for the weekend! It was really weird not to have them there but we took full advantage and decided to go see a movie (the first time in probably 5 years!).

I had asked him earlier in the week what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said "I just want to clean the garage and take a nap." ... typical Kasey! So on Saturday (his actual birthday) we slept in, enjoyed peace and quiet, and he cleaned the garage while I cleaned up inside and tried to get the house as ready as I could for the big surprise without him knowing.

The second surprise was his present. I gave him a card and inside it told him that we were heading for a couples massage that afternoon. Once he finished the garage we headed to our massage. (This was going to have to take the place of his nap!) Kasey was a little unsure at first (this was his first massage) but by the end said he would do it again. While we were out getting massages, Kasey's sister Krista, his mom, and his grandma came over to our house and started decorating and getting food ready for the party.

After our massages we were trying to decide where to go eat and Kasey wanted to get take out and go home ... but we couldn't go home for at least 3 more hours so I had to whine and stall and whine some more to get him to go shopping and out to eat. It was the most stressful 3 hours ever and I'm sure he thought I was insane. Then to top it all off his mom accidentally called while we were shopping and from then on out he thought something was wrong with her and just wanted to go home.

When it was finally time to come home, we pulled into the driveway and Kasey immediately saw all the cars at his parents house (they live two doors down). He was is panic mode. I can't even imagine what what going through his mind. He got right out and called his dad while walking toward their house. I had to run over, put my hands on his back and push him up the garage stairs and into the house. Once we got inside I felt like I could actually breathe again! Everyone was hiding in the kitchen with the lights off ... and boy oh boy was he surprised! It was perfect! We had about 25 of his friends and family there. Everyone came and he didn't have a clue. We spent the rest of the night catching up with old friends. We even had my brother in laws band come and play (which was so fun! ... thanks Bobby) and after the band we enjoyed a little Just Dance (I even got Kasey to play!)

All in all it was the perfect night and I couldn't have imagined it any better!

Brandon, Robby, and Jed

Brooke, Me, Mandee

Brooke and Mandee

A shot of the table and all the yummy food! ... and yes that is a boob cake in the middle!

A little Just Dance

Chad and Me ... trading glasses!

Krista and Kasey

Kasey and Kevin
There were so many more people that I wish I would have got pictures of but was having way too much fun! Thanks Krista, Jackie, and Cheryl for all your help! I couldn't have pulled it off without ya!


Some random shots of the kids ...
Dax LOVES to vacuum. Such a little helper!
Here's Navi at 11 1/2 months.
I found a snack ... and a seat!

My first ponytail (so small you can't even see it!)

a view from the back

Dax and Griff being silly after the bath

Monday, February 14, 2011


Miss Navi decided she DID NOT like baby food anymore! She would just cry every time I got it out ... so solids here we come, and in full force! Once she started she never looked back (and neither did I). That girl can eat! I would hardly turn around and her tray would be empty and she would be making every attempt to let me know she wanted more.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Playing Catch Up ... Part 2

For some reason my pictures won't turn ...grrr. And they are in backwards order so feel free to avoid this annoying post!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! It seems to get better and better every year as we get into our own family traditions. (Not to mention the fact that I got to buy PINK this year. So fun!)

Christmas Eve was spent at my parents house. It was so nice to spend some time with the entire family. We stuffed ourselves as usual and had a great time enjoying one anothers company, exchanging gifts, watching the kiddos do the Nativity, and doing some crafts with the kids. We also found out that night that my brother and sil are expecting their first baby. It was the highlight of the night! So exciting!!!

After all of the festivities we headed home to put out some cookies and milk for Santa and a few carrots for the reindeer. The kids headed for bed and we prepared for the big morning ahead!

Mason was the first to wake up Christmas Morning. It was EARLY and we knew if we let him wake the rest of the kids up at that hour we would be in for a REALLY REALLY long day. So we were mean and made him wait. He did surprisingly well. He crawled into bed with us until about 7:30 when we finally let him wake Griff up.

The kids were SPOILED for lack of a better word and had a great day! It was so nice to spend the morning playing with the kids and all of their new goods. Then we went to Kasey's Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Roberts house for a wonderful Christmas dinner and a little Just Dance on the Wii.

Christmas Eve in matching PJ's!

Navi's first baby doll ... she was so cute touching her fingers and toes!

Dax wanted nothing more than to lay on the couch and watch Land Before Time all night!

Grandpa Norm and his famous turkey.