Monday, November 2, 2009

Festivities . . .

I think this year was one of the funner Halloweens we've had so far. The boys are just getting bigger and understanding more of what its all about and if the big boys are excited then Dax just follows along. We didn't do anything major this year, just kept it simple and fun! Grandma Jackie made them a Halloween lunch on Thursday. She made mummy dogs, brains, and a snake sandwich. It was so much fun (even though the boys were a little nervous about the food)!
Next was carving the pumpkins. Griff had a blast drawing in his while the rest of us scooped and carved. I didn't get a picture of the final product so you will just have to imagine . . .

On Halloween day we did a few crafts (candy skeletons and pumpkin sugar cookies) before getting ready for trick or treating. I am so glad we had good weather. It made for a much better time! Mason and Griffin were cowboys and Dax was a dog. He was so cute in his little dog costume and the first of my kids to actually wear the hood the entire time! After trick or treating we headed over to Grandma Jackie's to see her for her birthday. By this time the kids were exhausted! It was a good night. Stressful, but good :)


Baumgartners said...

Sooo cute! I love Dax's little dog costume and his brown nose. And Mase and Griff look cute, and like they enjoyed being cowboys!

Adam and Aubrey said...

AUGH! I do NOT know what happened to me and why I SUCK at checking blogs. I swear. I could kick myself in my yahoo. . . . now. . .

YAYAYAYAYAYAY! A GIRL! YAY! HOLY CRAP! I am so excited for you! I love that SHE was SUCH a surprise pregnancy and such a surprise gender! YAY! I am freaking out! I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU! You need a girl to mellow out all your crazy boys! Wow! Okay. I'll try to calm myself. YAY!

And cute halloween stuff. I love the creepy lunch idea. How fun!