Thursday, April 21, 2011

Newest Nephew

My sister Julie had her little guy last week so on Sunday Mason and I went up to visit them.  After a couple days they settled on the name Chase Justin Baumgartner. He is such a cute, sweet baby. He has lots of dark hair and the most perfect little features. It was so fun snuggling a little new born again! Julie was pretty much super woman and had him naturally. Not by her plans, but between him coming quite fast and the nurses taking their dear sweet time . . . natural it was! I get a little anxious with even the thought of a natural delivery. Good thing I am done and won’t ever have to do that!




Mason and Ty got to catch up and have a little cousin bonding time while I had baby time. Although I do have to day that Mason was very intrigued by Chase and kept telling me that he was the cutest baby he had ever seen. These two play so well together and hopefully Mason was a good distraction for Ty!




The Fluckiger Family said...

Kris, I missed you last night too! About half the normal girlies were missing, so you definitely weren't the only one :( Your nephew is darling--makes me want to snuggle with a newborn again too!

Baumgartners said...

I don't know if you can call me superwoman if it wasn't by choice! Thanks for coming up and spending the day with us! Ty loved having Mason over and it was nice just to hang out and be together! And Chase is really enjoying all the nice stuff you got him - we are already putting it all to good use!