Thursday, December 1, 2011

100 Things About Me!

I have been working on this post for quite some time (we are talking in years here) and thought why not finish it up and post it today ... the day after my 29th birthday! I saw this on a friends blog and thought it was such a cute idea! So here we go ... 100 things about me!!


1. I love to blog.

2. I love my quite time . . . ya know when all three boys four kids are asleep!
3. I love a good book, just wish there was more time to read.

4. My family is the most important thing in my world.

5. I like to be stylish, although many days I don't make it out of jammies :)
6. I love to get my hair done, especially the shampoo. That is the best!
7. I don't miss doing hair!
8. I love the baby stage at about 2-9 months (when they can smile and interact, but before the attitude comes)
9. I hate bananas. That texture . . . yuck!
10. I love to cook. And would love to take a cooking class one day.
11. My passion is decorating. Too bad it costs so much!
12. I dream about having a yard! OK not really but I will be one happy girl when we get it done! How funny that when I started writing this we didn't have a yard and now we do! It is a work in progress but I do love it!!

13. I love the funny thing that my kids say out of the blue! They keep me smiling.
14. I hate to clean (I should be doing this right now, but chose to blog instead)!
15. I love when my boys just get out of the bath, yak know that clean little boy smell!
16. I am a procrastinator.
17. I love living close to family, just wish I lived as close to my parents too! I guess you can't always have the best of both worlds!
18. I enjoy scrapbooking - but have fallen WAY behind :(
19. I'm not the best communicator, but am trying to do better.
20. I HAVE to have my kids on a schedule. When the schedule gets off, I get a little lot frazzled!
21. I would pick sweet over salty any day.
22. I love a good chick flick.
23. I enjoy working in the garden! It's so peaceful and a good time to get a tan!
24. I love spending time in Maui. Hopefully we'll get to go again soon!
25. I love going on vacation but hate getting ready to go!
26. I faithfully record and watch my favorite TV shows weekly! (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Dancing with the Stars, & of course The Bachelor/Bachelorette ) I know I'm a dork!
27. I'm pretty computer illiterate, although I am working on it and trying to teach myself new things.
28. I hate my feet.
29. I love to find new recipes but always feel like I make the same thing over and over! I guess you have to with little kids!
30. I'm so thankful to have a family who accepts me for me!
31. I'm a sucker for Ice cream. Especially Cold Stone or peanut butter and chocolate from Baskin Robins!
32. I love love love the smell of coffee!
33. I'm excited to be am the "soccer mom" and go to all of my boys games and events and love it!
34. I'm definitely not a morning person, but I also have a hard time staying up late! I just need my sleep!
35. I have terrible vision . . . hopefully Lasik is in my future!
36. I am so thankful to have 3 . . . well 4 including my hubby, beautiful, healthy, and happy boys and my little miss!
37. I do the bills, and like being responsible for them.
38. I can not stand acrylic nails. How do people wear them?
39. I could eat Costa Vida every night for a month and not get sick of it! In fact Kasey just knows that this is the first meal I am going to want after giving birth ... and he of coarse gets it for me!
40. I love to see the finished product after working on a project.
41. I'm not big on spicy foods . . . I'm more of a "mild" kind of girl.
42. I love a night out with the girls, seeing how I'm surrounded by boys the most of the time!
43. I'm not a big talk on the phone person.
44. I hate leaving messages.
45. I have recently started wearing hats and liking them.
46. I change roughly 8 diapers a day (I know you're jealous) ... a year later it's more like 4. Yea!
47. I like my kids to look cute with their hair done when we go out. Does this always happen??? NO!
48. I am definitely NOT comfortable speaking in public.
49. I was born in San Jose, CA and lived there until about age 10.
50. I love the ocean.
51. I dated my husband for 3 years before we got married.
52. I have been happily married to the best guy ever for 8 years (9 in December).
53. My full name is Kristin Lisa Doyle Dahl. I like how my last name didn't change drastically. It was pretty easy to get used to.
54. I try my best to be organized, but don't always succeed.
55. I love my brother and sisters. I could spend days with them and be perfectly happy and I really hope my kids will be the same way.
56. I grew up thinking and saying that I would never live in the "country" . . . and here I am! But I love it and couldn't imagine living in a big city.
57. I can be quite stubborn.
58. I would love to be an interior designer one day. Maybe when my kids get a little older and I have more time. Will that ever happen?
59. I never carry cash with me.
60. I enjoy listening to the radio, but don't ask me who the artist is cause chances are I won't know.
61. I don't really like to shop, unless I am going for something specific. (or need a break ... then I LOVE to shop)
62. I wish I had a maid . . . I know, keep dreaming!
63. I will stay up until 2 am to make a birthday cake for my boys, but don't like to have to destroy all the hard work the next day! So I usually make an extra plain cake to cut into and the fun ones are just for looks.
64. I really, really like cake decorating.
65. I have a shaky hand when it comes to fine motor skills. Like painting my nails or decorating a cake!
66. I try to play with my kids as much as possible, so if you come over and my house is a disaster . . . I've been playing!
67. I wish I could have known my Grandma Miller. She died of cancer when I was about two.
68. I hate bugs. Especially bees and spiders.
69. I wonder about the economy. Who knew we would be paying $4 a gallon???
70. I love it when Mason and Griffin come home from school and has learned something completely new! They explain things in such a cute way and are quite talkative these days.
71. I will most likely get sick a few days before vacation. WHY? I don't know, but it has happened may times and now seems to be happening with my boys :(
72. I wish there was a cure for eczema. I feel so bad for my little guys and their itchy, painful, rashy spots! (Especially little Griff in the summer . . . he can barely wear shoes his feet are so bad)
73. I am not a worrier. I leave that up to Kasey:)
74. My favorite colors are anything warm and fallish. I love browns, reds, and oranges
75. I like to "people watch". It can be quite entertaining
76. I like to think that I'm very responsible, and when others are not, it bugs me
77. I want my kids to grow up being independent and loving. I think these are two very important qualities
78. I have been stuck on #78 for 2 years. WHAT? 
79. I love purses. But not enough to change them according to my outfit. I seem to rotate seasonally.
80. Although I grew up with many animals, I don't care to have any of my own.
81. I have learned in the past two years that I have two qualities that I am very thankful for; strength and courage.
82. I have a love for long, dangly earrings.
83. I love to watch my kids while they are sleeping. There is something so soothing and peaceful about a sleeping child.

84. I like how I feel when I exercise and eat healthy and notice a BIG difference when I don't.

85. I love chocolate. I could eat a piece after every meal. Especially lindt milk chocolate ... my mouth is watering!

86. I have had many hairstyles over the years. Right now it is longer than it's been in years and I am loving it.

87. I recently became a HUGE fan of sushi and even crave it.

88. I picked a great guy. He is a wonderful husband, daddy, and most of all friend.

89. I love browsing blogs and pinterest and spend way too much time doing it.

90. I need my quiet time every day. The kids nap in the afternoon for a couple hours and I don't know what I would do without this time!

91. I don't have a lot of girlfriends, but the few that I have I cherish. They are my girls and life would not be the same without them!

92. I love a good cup of coffee or green tea in the morning. There is something about a nice warm drink that helps start the day off right.

93. I tend to not be super outgoing. I like my little bubble! I guess it is just comfortable.

94. I get super shaky if I don't eat often. I have been told I am hypo glycemic and believe it. No skipping meals for me.

95. I get heartburn terribly with each pregnancy.

96. I enjoy playing a good volleyball match ... even if I am sore the next day!

97. I feel extremely lucky to be part of two amazing families. I know a lot of people struggle with in-laws and so I am very lucky to have married into such a great and loving family.

98. I have a knack for putting together a party. I love everything about it. The planning, the shopping, the cooking, the cake decorating, and the partying.

99. I love a good pedicure, but the manicure I could do without.

100. I love being a mom. As hard as it is, I feel very blessed to have four beautiful, healthy kids. They have my heart!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wrapping up October

I love October. The weather is still nice, there are activities all month long, I start making a lot more soup, and burning my favorite fall scents. So I couldn’t move on to the winter months without recording all things October!

Pumpkin Carving





A ride on the fright train …


Home made birthday cards for Grandma Jackie (she has a Halloween birthday)


And of coarse Halloween itself!


Mason as Batman


Griffin as Spiderman


Daxon as a Mo Town Monster (his words … I have NO idea where he came up with the Mo Town part!)



Navi as a Strawberry



Saturday, October 29, 2011

What Halloween Looks Like Around Here

As the kids get a little older they are getting more and more interested and excited about holidays.

Halloween is NO exception!

We decided to make our laundry room door into our artwork display door. We will rotate depending on the season or holiday. I am really loving this because it keeps everything contained to one place but also displayed in a spot that everyone can enjoy but it’s not in your face all the time. The kids also love it and are so proud when we hang their projects and artwork up on the door.


Dax thought it would be funny to become a pumpkin head. That is until the pumpkin got stuck on his head!


Griff’s preschool class had a Halloween program that they put on for the parents. They all dressed up in their costumes, sang the Halloween songs that they learned for us, and even did a Halloween dance. It was a lot of fun and Dax and Navi even go to dress up and trick or treat at the end.


This is what I got when I asked for a super hero pose.




We did a little photo shoot for my little pumpkin at 20 months. She is a true girl and loved every minute of it. She even says cheese as soon as she sees the camera.


And what would Halloween time be without some fun Halloween treats?! My sister made these bones for her kids and they loved them so I thought I would do the same. They are super easy to make and a lot of fun to eat!




We are off to a kids fright train tonight, carving pumpkins and making caramel apples tomorrow and finally trick or treating on Monday. It’s going to be a fun and busy weekend.

Happy Halloween!


Dax, Navi and I got to tag along with Griff on his fieldtrip to the fire station and library. They had a great time and thought it was so cool to get to actually go inside the fire truck. It’s so fun to see how much Griff is soaking in this year compared to last year. He LOVES preschool! In fact the other day we were in a hurry and I was trying to prod him to get ready. I said something like: You have GOT to hurry and get dressed .. and he replied “I don’t even care if I have to get dressed because I LIKE preschool.” He sure told me!


The firemen coaxed Miss Stacey into being their model. The kids thought that was pretty funny!







The second half of the fieldtrip was at the library. This part was a little more of a challenge … lunch time, nap time, you get the picture! But they enjoyed listening to story time and getting to choose a few books to check out. Dax fit right in with the class. He sat with them and even asked the librarian a few questions. I think he will love preschool next year!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pumpkin Pickin’

This year we decided not to plant a garden … so we headed to a little pumpkin patch in our neighborhood and let the kids pick a few pumpkins. They had a great time tromping through the patch and found some awesome pumpkins!





The family that does the pumpkin patch also raises turkeys. The kids thought they were so funny and loved looking at them.


Navi is super into posing and smiling for the camera these days so I have to take advantage while I can!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Family Pictures

A few weeks ago we had family pictures taken with Kasey’s family. We had them done at his Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Claude’s barn which is just up the street from our house. Brittany did a fabulous job as usual. She captured everything that we wanted and I am so happy with how they turned out!

Be prepared for a picture overload!


























