Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Griffin is growing up. It seems crazy to me that he is four, is wearing a 5T, plays with the big boys, and tells his teacher "that's too easy" when she asks him a question in class. He is full of personality and is also quite mischievous. We have recently discovered that he loves funny lines in movies and thinks he is so funny when he repeats them (just like his dad). The most recent movie that he is loving is How To Train Your Dragon.

Even though he is growing up, he still needs a nap. He can be almost impossible on the no nap days. He now goes to preschool 3 days a week during nap time and more times than not I will find him asleep on the couch within minutes after getting home.

Griff and Navi still have their special little bond . . . it's funny how the other two don't seem to pay much attention to her and in fact get easily bugged when she is crying. Griff is always aware of her and at her side cheering her up the second he hears her!


The Fluckiger Family said...

Kris, I love that our kids are all the same age! Grady is so similar to Griffin - it really is amazing. Trav and I just smiled when we read this. Grady is definitely mischevious and he is our movie quoter! Everything he says is from a movie. We even call him "G" too. Gotta love them, huh?