Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mud . . . a little boys heaven!

Last week my sister Julie and her kids came over to visit. While the little ones were asleep we sent Mason and Ty outside to play. It was pretty quite for awhile and then I heard a loud noise so I went out to see what they were up to. They had turned on the water and created a huge muddy mess on the patio. Then they decided to throw mud balls at the house (that was the noise I heard) They were covered from head to toe in mud and there was really no other options than to strip them down to their underwear and spray them off with the hose. They had a great time and even though I wasn't happy about the mud, it was hard not to laugh at the mud covered boys!


Alisha LeBaron said...

That sounds like so much fun!

Jamie said...

UGH boys...that's really so funny! I bet they were having so much fun! How are you feeling? bunco next week yes?!:)

Michelle said...

Right on!

Morrells said...

Cute boys as Always! MUD is like our favorite pastime! Your boys school pictures are sooo cute!!!