Friday, March 15, 2013

Traveling Back in Time (September)


The kids went back to school! Mason started 3rd grade, Griff started Kindergarten, and Dax started Preschool. I love looking back at these first day of school pictures and seeing their tan little faces!







Getting used to school is exhausting! Griff often randomly fell asleep after he got home.



And Navi successfully transitioned into a toddler bed (along with all her babies!)



These two continued to be best buds.



My long time BF Mandee got married!



Little Miss loved to help mom with everything, including vacuuming with a vacuum that’s bigger than her!



Dax’s preschool class went on a fieldtrip to the Dino Park.









And last but not least we had a little fun trying on all the Halloween masks at Target. It seriously entertained the kids for a good 30 minutes!




There you have it, September 2012 in a nutshell!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Traveling Back in Time (August)

I seem to be getting further and further behind on this ol blog! August was a busy month with a lot going on.

I took Mason and Griffin to Logan for the weekend and we did anything and everything they wanted. We went to Hogle Zoo, A&W for root beer floats, shopping for school clothes, to the park, the movies, and out to eat a couple times. It was so fun to be able to say yes to them all weekend and we had a blast!

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Griffin turned 6 and we had our usual outdoor party, waterslide and all. The kids had a blast and Griff chose a snake party (such a boy!).



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We went to an Aggie football game with my family to watch my Dad and his baseball team receive their championship rings at halftime! This was Mason and Griffins first football game and they thought it was pretty awesome!2011-03-04 0011


We worked really hard in the backyard. Poured a concrete path and laid sod in the raised part of the backyard! (Yea for no more weeds!!) Daxon found a frog friend.

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We helped my parents redo their great room and kitchen … it’s beautiful!

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I went to Wendover with Mandee and a bunch of her friends for her bachelorette party and got a little wild!

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August was a great month … I’m wishing we could have some nice hot August weather right about now instead of freezing rain. Pretty Please??