The kids went back to school! Mason started 3rd grade, Griff started Kindergarten, and Dax started Preschool. I love looking back at these first day of school pictures and seeing their tan little faces!
Getting used to school is exhausting! Griff often randomly fell asleep after he got home.
And Navi successfully transitioned into a toddler bed (along with all her babies!)
These two continued to be best buds.
My long time BF Mandee got married!
Little Miss loved to help mom with everything, including vacuuming with a vacuum that’s bigger than her!
Dax’s preschool class went on a fieldtrip to the Dino Park.
And last but not least we had a little fun trying on all the Halloween masks at Target. It seriously entertained the kids for a good 30 minutes!
There you have it, September 2012 in a nutshell!