Friday, April 25, 2008


Our precious little Daxon arrived on April 22nd at 1:30 p.m. After a night of restless sleep, we went in early Tuesday morning to be induced. Everything went really well and After 3 pushes, Daxon was born. He was the smallest of the three boys weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. He has a good amount of dark hair and is just perfect! We stayed in the hospital until Thursday and are now home figuring out how to be a family of 5!!!

As of 6:00 pm this evening we have had to put Dax on billy lights for his jaundice. It's pretty sad to see him in his little "tanning bed" but he doesn't seem to mind it to much, so that makes it a little easier. We will be bringing him daily to the lab to get his levels checked and hopefully he can go off of the lights in a few days. Overall everything is going great and we are so happy that he is finally here!

The "big boys" love their new baby brother. They want to be right next to him all the time and are definitely my little helpers.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The last appointment!!!

Yea! Today was my last doctors appointment for little Daxon! I have been dilated to a 2+ now for a month . . . how depressing! We are scheduled to be induced on tuesday the 22nd at 6:30 am!!! I am so ready - well kinda! I'm not sure that I'm ready to be a mom of 3 let alone a mom of 3 BOYS, but I am definitely sick of being pregnant. I feel like I've been pregnant pretty much nonstop for the past 4 years, which I pretty much have! So I am looking forward to having little Daxon and moving past the baby/pregnant years!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


We managed to make it out to Antelope Island for the first time! ( For me and the boys anyway!) Kind of crazy considering we live 5 min away! Even though we only got to spend about an hour there because it was getting dark, the boys had so much fun (and so did mom & dad)! They did not want to leave . . . why would they when they had a huge sandhill to run up and down over and over and over ???

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Easter is always a fun day, but I think each holiday gets better as the boys get a little older and can actually understand what is going on! Our morning started out with Mason finding ALL of the eggs while Griff sat and ate candy from his basket ( at 7:00 a.m. YUM!!! ) Then we had a yummy breakfast of french toast and bacon ( prepared by chef daddy! ) and later a lunch at the park with family which the boys has an absolute blast at!

Our Family

Right now our family consists of Kasey ( daddy ), Mason (3), Griffin (19 months), and me (mommy). And we will be adding one more quite soon (Daxon)! We are so excited although I have to be honest . . . I never expected to be the mom of 3 boys at 25! But they are so much fun I can hardly complain!